Friday, February 21, 2014

Freedom is an Ilusion


the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.

Words brought actions into play
In between those two words are thoughts.
It is thoughts that slowly blooms into actions.
There are two sides to it.
One adds kerosene to a fire and another consists of random thoughts.

When you were a child, let's say a child from a loving middle class family, 
you enjoyed what little freedom you had.
All the stupid things and words 
Did and said
was forgivable.
Life hadn't taught you that words have consequences.
Actions are elicited by words. 
Hence, I see words far superior than actions as it is, 
the power to awaken both the bad and good emotions humanly possible.
From the words of our mouths,to the emotions it gave rise,

Comes the actions.

When you grew up, became like any adolescent who proclaimed love for the opposite sex,
tried every sexual desires and curiosity buried deep within,
Had your first love, which broke your fragile young naive heart, 
Remember he or she broke it with words?

When you are an adult, heart heavy with regrets, past  lost opportunities and lost loves.
You feel constrained, shackled and restrained in your actions,words,opinions and thoughts.
Life becomes a list of debts, despair,broken relationships, failed dreams,faltered dreams,disappointments,insults,insinuations,oppression,depression,secrets,desperation,exasperation,lies,and deceit. 

Have we ever felt freedom?
Being 18 and free to do almost everything
Is not true freedom,
I once thought this is freedom, hanging out with friends, drinking a bit here and there (nothing severe or wild),
getting piercings my parents didn't know about 
was freedom.
I thought having a licence which entitled you to the freedom of driving to your hearts content was freedom
It never was freedom
You had to work to pay for petrol
Pay the road tax and toll.

Freedom of trade is precisely freedom of trade and no other freedom because within it the nature of the trade develops unhindered according to the inner rules of its life. Freedom of the courts is freedom of the courts if they follow their own inherent laws of right and not those of some other sphere, such as religion. Every particular sphere of freedom is the freedom of a particular sphere, just as every particular mode of life is the mode of life of a particular nature.
Karl Marx

Quoting from Marx, the topic freedom is a difficult one as to him there is freedom which only lies within a certain group or organisation or workplace.

Yet, I can't seem to completely agree with him. Even within each sphere therein lies the freedom to operate however they want according to their own personal profits.

What about the freedom of an individual?

My country is a hub for human trafficking
Tell me what is freedom?
Do women have freedom?
Do children have freedom?

Is there freedom to live out your lives ?
I do not see freedom in countries filled with political turmoils, constrained by religion and male chauvinist cultures.
Reality hinders freedom 
Yet, people hinder each others' freedom even further.

I may speak of freedom but I do understand that with complete freedom ,chaos exists.
Sometimes, its not freedom of the life we live .
The restrictive life.
We can attain freedom of the heart, our soul.
Are we freed from our past?
I am not
Hence, I may have the freedom to act,speak and think but there is nothing I could change about my past.
Freedom is an Illusion.

I want to redeem my past with the present which will alter the future.
The thing about the past are the memories that brought joy,sorrow,disappointments and worst of them all is helplessness.
You would carve out your own heart just to ask for forgiveness and to change the past.
I am on a journey to attain freedom of my soul.
To correct my past regrets, to forgive myself and forgive the pain others inflict on me.

If I succeed, then to me that's my freedom.
Maybe to others, freedom is the escapism from the iron grip of politics,politicians and the people who clamped down on their wings to fly in the blue sky.

In truth, the only thing in life that enjoys freedom is Love.

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