Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Dilemma of A Misunderstood Being

Hello dear humans
Somehow in my planet which apparently doesn't seem nor feel like Earth,
Being an only child feels like a crime
Especially among your friends living in a house filled with numerous annoying specimens called siblings.
I am not condemning anyone nor am I justifying how majestic and innocent  holier than thou only childs are.
I am sharing a thought, an opinion on how people generally see an only child .

The things I,  a Blogger and Only Child experienced


I am really pissed when some people think I can afford everything just because I get more than the usual kid next door.
It's called good shopping tactics during sales.


Life happens to everyone, some learn earlier the harshness of reality due to circumstances while others will only learn it much later.
The main idea is understand that everyone will eventually grow in depth when both the good and bad occurs in each of our lives.
Do not assume an only child doesn't understand your hardships with your siblings etc etc.


Yes, we are because our parents only have one kid to pour out their love to, you can't blame us.
We will eventually grow up and understand that money grows on trees but it only belongs to the government,banks and rich  sly douchebags 


Really now? I have seen and met immature people whom have to suffer the annoyance of siblings day and night.

My Conclusion:

Humans are flawed, and we each need to remember this from time to time. We need people to point out our flaws so it can be corrected. Never deem yourself superior over anyone.
Your achievements academically, socially and intellectually are not your true value.
Open your minds and heart. Be understanding. Learn from experience and the people around you.
Listen to their stories, let them listen to yours and from there upgrade to level 1000 in life.
Everyone have unspoken problems.
Don't judge the outside and the surfaces of their insides.

“How would your life be different if…You stopped making negative judgmental assumptions about people you encounter? Let today be the day…You look for the good in everyone you meet and respect their journey.” 

“If someone isn't what others want them to be, the others become angry. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own.” 

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