Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Sophisticated Lady Must Have Culinary Skills!

How to Be a Sophisticated Lady

(p.s. This is utter bullshit by NaomiNaoko but good usable bullshit)

I come from an all girls high school  which automatically gets girls like us into a mental category of "prim and proper possible lesbian girls" in a dude's mind.

When guys meet us, especially ones which are drop dead gorgeous with every perfection of their dream Barbie girl, they assume we can cook, be all womanly and sophisticated.

Let's laugh together.

We tend to act like we have 10 brothers before our birth. Not exactly gentle.
An apt example would be me.
I am a clumsy fool who can't cook.
Lived as I was until I turned 19 and felt---------- heck, I need to be more womanly.
Exude that sophisticated , not overpowering but subtle sexiness every confident woman owns.

Here in lies my journey into burning some vegetables, over adding salt, sugar and wine into my dishes.
Couple of times I almost tripped myself on the kitchen floor. Couple more I almost dropped my bowls.
If someone took a video of me cutting my vegetables, let's laugh together again.
Thought I am looking more like Masterchef Australia each day.
I am more of  'Unexpectedly clumsy chef '
My ego got hurt by  my Masterchef Grandma.
In a way, the perspicacity of her remarks will teach me not only to be a good cook,but a highly tolerant person towards insinuating people.

I will cook my following meal, solo. Without the grandma eagle eyeing my cooking style.

This is my grand master plan :

To learn and change profoundly for the better good of myself.To move forward and never look back and live in the present. I must achieve this once my newly short hair grows out back to Sleeping Beauty length and before my parents pack me away for university.

The following are the vegetarian dishes I choose to cook over the weekend.
I will take pictures of the outcome.For now, let's preview what I will cook.

Yes, I am ambitious but I also won't give in to negativity.
Being in an all girls school specifically mine, we are trained to go after dreams in life. We won't back down.
Plus, I really need to mature into a sophisticated lady with good culinary skills.
I doubt there are any guys  like my dad who would accept a lazy rough wifey.
The essence of my being and character are still there but self improvements never hurt.

Ingredients for cooking Western food are very expensive, so choose receipes within your budget and capabilities.
Thank you weak buying power of  Malaysian Ringgit.

I plan to calm my nerves, increase level of swag-ness by playing my favourite playlists in the kitchen as I cook.

Preview of my playlist

1. II Mundo -Jimmy Fontana
2.Riptide-Vane Joy
3. La Valse d'Amelie - Yann Tiersen
4.Sur le fil -Yann Tiersen
5.Naomi - Yann Tiersen (Cascade Street )
6.J'y suis jamais allè - Yann Tiersen

Monday, February 10, 2014

Living life.


What make youths naive is the fear of taking risks. The fear of asking and knowing how to work your way to get what you want. 
I am one of those. But I have also learned that even if you failed while taking risks, its not failure. Its never failure unless you stopped picking yourself up every time you fall.

I met some people heading towards a suicidal direction. They  only think of how to make money, not just a minimum wage salary but an amount of a millionare. They have this mentality that their partners involved in the business idea are trustworthy even if it means investing your own savings into it. They only dream of owning a Maserati, Porsche, Audi, Bentley,Rolls Royce and etc. With a stack of money in hand, they could buy the world, buy women and live life. Ask yourself this, are your conscience clear once you find yourself on your deathbed a few decades down the road? Have you done things you regret, lost the person you love to materialistic things?

 Enjoy dying without any real friends and family you pushed away.

To me, I live for myself and repay those who supported me all the way. 
I want to experience everything and do what my heart tells me.
I want to be less selfish and more selfless.
I want to be willing to sacrifice my life for the greater good of others.
When you work for the life you want even if plans do not follow through always,
you can still collect every piece of happiness, disappointment, tears,laughter and moments ,then place them in a glass jar. 

Of course I do not have any rights on nagging people about how to live their life however, think of it as a blogger, your everyday human blogger ranting out her thoughts.It doesn't matter if you agree or disagree with me, what does matter is that there is a mutual understanding of respecting and accepting differing views between the blogger and reader.

I have always been a coward however, recently, I lost someone,hence I am taking more risks in life. I have nothing to lose. I need to evolve just as how caterpillars metamorphosised into butterflies. 
There are a few to-do things in my life, I may add more as the years past.

1.Paragliding in Austria,Switzerland(if there is one there) and somewhere with a beautiful beach and deep blue sea.
3.The roller coaster in Japan which is 90 degrees towards the ground
4.Earn enough money to travel around with friends
5. Earn enough money to bring my parents and grandparents for holidays before old age steals away their opportunity
6.To love someone again 
7.Read as many books my lifetime will allow
8.Learn as much new things, skills, languages and etc
9. Step out of my comfort zone more
10. To build a house and life together with that special someone
(this includes painting the walls of our house together, sleeping on the floor together with paint stained clothes, looking into each others eyes, kissing right there on the floor, and telling each other you are the one  I want to go on an adventure with.)
11. Do DIY stuff for the house. (furniture, interior design and etc)
12. To have the job that suits me.
13. To know what I want to do with my life
14. To be independent and responsible
15. To scream in joy with my close friends once we achieved what we dreamed of together.
16. To live in the present, let the past make me a better version of myself and let the future be.
17. To continue blogging
18.Write my own novel. Literary novel. 
19. Go to Bali and try out that ride which ejects you out in a tube.
20.Sexy body from hard work. Exercising and disciplining myself.
21.Hike my way up Nepal with Dad.

Over the month or so, I experienced more than I could have planned for. I felt fear and exhilaration for the unknown possibilities when I choose to step out of my comfort zone. I have nothing to lose.
I enjoyed the moments of being a daredevil with my friends. 
Overall, I had grown as a person. I want to grow more, enjoy everything and be grateful for the little things I take for granted.
I may not have an affirmative direction in life right now but I sense it's near. It's coming. Do not fear. Do not back out into the comfort zone again. Instead, take those toes into the region of risks, and never turn back.
Learn to Live.