Saturday, December 28, 2013

Walking through Graffiti Street in Melbourne,adventuring into Indie Land

Saturday Indie Art Market
At Rose Street in Melbourne
Passed by many buildings with walls acting as a white canvas
for graffiti
This was the best day and part of Melbourne to me
Seeing the sights of street art as I walk down a street where therein lies a weekend market.
A small market within a neighbourhood where people lived and artistic cafes thrive.
It's a market where you meet and talk to artist who sells their work in a place called Rose Street.
The whole area was magical to me
I love handmade stuff and art.
I love quaint cafes with inviduality obvious to even a toursit like me
These places arent publicised.They lay hidden from foreigners unless if they try to look up on such markets.



Welcome to Rose Street Market






The Haul
I got myself a few quirky cards, a Girl Calendar and a tea towel by a design company called Able&Game, a scented candle in a beaker, two handmade rose earrings ,a handmade ring and a necklace with a red rose trapped in a small around transparent ball that looks like a bubble.



The Lemonade After the Heat





The Exit
Back to the Streets










Next Street














The Walk Home (Hotel)








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