Saturday, January 25, 2014

The combo :Coffee and Books

Preparing Morning Coffee

My Light Breakfast

My book haul

The Introvert's Way

The Introvert's Way took my full attention. As a natural introvert, I thought this book could relate to me silently.It reminded me of a book about The Power of Introverts by Susan Cain.She gave an astounding talk in TED. Do watch what she has to say before judging introverts. 

Eleanor & Park

Well, I thought it was sweet and yes you could say very much cliche romance however at that time, my mind was rather interested in reading how hipster love is like. All i could say was Park would secretly share his comic books with Eleanor. I found it rather sweet of Park when he placed his headphones on her head. They spent every bus ride sharing the love for music. Unfortunately, I stopped reading it as Park's loving ways towards Eleanor had elicited something sad within me. I think I am alright to pick up this book again.

John Green Books

If you've read The Fault In Our Stars, then you may be pulled into buying more of his books. I know. Cliche story of a boy and a girl with severe health issues, they fall in love, and then the author just had to pull a romeo and juliet by killing off the guy's character.Well, if you are a girl with emotions running high.This is a book for you. I liked it because I fell in love for the witticism and charming main dude.

He is the best kind of writer, nobody competes with his absurdity and brilliance. Eloquent, classy, yet understandable. I love how he could represent his ideas so beautifully, intelligently with a tad bit of witticism thrown into the bowl of awesomeness. His books are about the different worlds,the point of view of the world to each of his own different characters. What we common people accept as absurdity, it is in fact fate to him. Whenever I read his books, I think to myself  "If I am married for life to such a guy with a mind I would love to unravel, and then love every part of him to bits."
I recommend a way in enjoying and even falling in love with Murakami.
First read Norwegian Wood, The Wind Up Bird Chronicle,Blind Willow Sleepy Woman, Kafka On The Shore,After Dark ,Underground and saving the best for last 1Q84. 1Q84 and Norwegian Wood are stellar together.
Orhan Pamuk
This is my first book from him. I am trying out books written by Nobel Prize for Literature winners.I hope I will finish it and probably do a book review. I bought Red Sorghum which was a book by Mo Yan the Nobel Prize for Literature winner of 2012 however I didn't find the time to read it. I will try to make it a point to do so.

Mitch Albom
Please.Read Tuesdays With Morrie. Then you would understand my Mitch Albom obsession. His other book called The Time Keeper was also really good however some critics in Goodreads thought It wasn't as good as his other books. I have to disagree with them. It is a beautiful masterpiece about Time. There is a time to amend your wrongs , a time to forgive, a time to be still and enjoy how lovely life can be if only man did not measure time and allow it to govern his life.
I would love to one day read a book under a tree, during Spring with the sun shining one me and the breeze lovingly caress my skin.

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