Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Back from my holiday to Yunnan, China( Absolutely Beautiful)

For some, the holidays have just begin while for others, it has ended quite abruptly to a point at which it felt like 5 minutes of your holidays have passed by. Next thing you know is, you'll be chatting with relatives and friends about your holiday in PAST TENSE. Man, am I feeling older by the day. That is how fast my holiday felt. I know there are some tension between Japan and China but that does not mean Yunnan, China is a restricted area to cross over by plane. If any of you are reading this post, do write down Yunnan,China as one of the places you have to go while you still have the time and money. I love the beautiful sceneries, the famous Snow Mountain of Lijiang which is still a virgin( no one has ever climbed it or managed to) and the friendly tribal people of Yunnan. These local people are seriously talented in arts. Like they could use silk treads of different colours to sew a real life portrait of a native woman, how they could carve out the exact same picture of a dragon using wood and making it look 3D, how they even made flowers from dried leaves and made beautiful scarves and clothes out of yarn. These people are really talented especially when it comes to singing in their native language ( not mandarin). To top it all off, the cold Autumn weather which i love have made my holiday even better. I really to miss the icy cold wind blowing on my face and turning my hands to the temperature of ice when I was up at Shangri-La. I would upload the pictures I've taken later since I can't find the wire connecting to my USB port. But these are a few things I did get when I was in Yunnan, China........Ok... crap! What is wrong with the upload image thing. It practically hanged on me!!!! Ughhh, I'll post it later.

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