Friday, November 28, 2014

University.Undecided Majors. Adulthood

The big world 

It's been a few months since I last blogged. If you look at this fact at another perspective aside from being too busy with life ,  it's  just means I hadn't got enough to talk about.
The decision between which universities to accept. The decision between United Kingdom or Australia. Those were the beginning of an end to a segment of my life. An episode of a TV series to be exact.

Well,  here I am  almost 5 over months since my orientation. Many things have changed within me. Yet, many things are still me. I met colourful characters in university. I experienced how tough it is living alone , being almost an hour away from university if you add up all the travelling it takes. 
I did stupid things. That's pretty predictable given the high probabilities of  'young adults' expressing adamantly  about having opportunities to do 'adult fun stuff' . The end of that ideal 'young adult' life was not as envisioned in everyone's minds. Eventually, the superego takes charge and we are shoot back to reality. Life is more than the wild things in life. More than trying to live life in each country as if it's Las Vegas. More than doing things, taking actions in order to enhance oneself to the socialite elitist level. 

Almost every failed relationship and one-sided  romantic emotions are given birth in university . In fact, it is the university environment that accentuates those feelings grown, nurtured, feed and aborted. One day , you may fall for one dude, the next another because the world is filled with many fishes.All personally attractive to you. I would predict that the end of almost every university story is realising you fell for your friend. Woman or man. Who cares. The romantic attachment is present regardless of how invisible and unconscious it is. 

University is bloody amazing, Aside from the exams and workload. I can relate to my dad now whenever he reminisce his university life  Every day, life is like a plain white canvas which gets splashed with different pots of colours by the various people and experiences encountered. 
I do wish that university phase in life would never end. 
One thing was certain. University is the starting point to meet people, to incorporate their matured opinions about life into your life , to learn from people's stories , to be cultured about how big the world really is and it emphasizes how small we are . 

Is it just me or is it  a phase? That I became more alert, observant to people's facial expressions, tone of voice,intentions, actions and body language as each day in university passes me by as fast as each breath I take. 
I could detect contempt, racial disparity, racial bias, pride, social exclusion, social prejudice, ethnocentrism, undisclosed personal jealousy, anger , impatience, crudeness, dishonesty , fake facial muscle pulls and lots of nice polite bollocks. EXCUSE THE LANGUAGE. 
Here lies the following social cliched problems in society

1. Racial group unity. National group unity.
It does happen however you would do injustice and failed to act fairly if you start judging that particular race. Keep an open mind, open heart. There are individuals which do go against such normalcy. These is due to how environment shaped them, their friends, the schools they went to and their interactions with various races throughout their lives. I met a few of them and they made me change how I viewed their race. I realised my immaturity. 

2. I am Asian but not all Asians are from China. 

3. Not all Asians , Not all China students are incapable of fluency in English. 
Please , that is obvious racism there.

4. You need to be that girl some 'groups' would want to recruit into their hot girls societal vicious circle. Yes, sorority kinds . 

5. The User.
There will definitely be one or two user friends. A few stalkers . A few awkward greetings. And MANY acting going on. MANY shadow walking past a solid physical object which is your body. Apparently these types can overlook a moving human being, smiling and waving amiably to them. 
My advice is to go up to them and give them some important vision advice. Tell them to buy those heat vision goggles. 

6. Ethnocentrism . 
Aside from the popular phrase 'white supremacy' which does occur, other races do exercise ethnocentrism. They forgot the essence of their being as Homo Sapiens  . Just tolearate them. Tolerance can bring you further into peaceful existence with others. Now, I sound like some monk but it's pretty much a rational thing to do. Why try to itch a spot and provoke a precarious situation when you can karate block them?

7. The Proud.
I am serious. There are people who thinks they are brilliant. Just absolutely brilliant, blessed with physical perfection and narcissistic beyond the normal levels.

Here comes my dilemma of choosing subjects to keep a few majors open for me to specialise in one of them much later :
1. I am unsure of getting a transfer into med school. These days, everyone wants to be a doctor and they may succeed in their attempts to gain noble social status. However, I believe to be a doctor it means saving as many lives to save your tears from drying out . It comforts your heart knowing that hope is not lost even when humanity is on the losing end .

2. Pathology or Major in Immunology and Microbiology.
To be an actual pathologist you need to get into med school. Immunology and Microbiology is my second choice if I don't think I want a degree in just pathology. I AM STILL SO UNCERTAIN! 
I know science is for me but I do get the inkling feeling to be a carefree writer trying to have a breakthrough and pay back my university fees to my parents. 

Conclusion : Life is uncertain. I would write a better end to this blog if it wasn't for the sudden pang of laziness hitting me and the sleepiness of night time. 

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