Wednesday, January 29, 2014

How To Be Happy With Yourself

Happy With Yourself?


1. Don't Overthink &Don't compare yourself with other girls(I am assuming all girls would go on autopilot comparing each other)

This is especially true when you are constantly comparing yourself with your boyfriend's friends which happen to consist of girls as well. I admit. I am guilty of doing this which leads us to criterion no.2

2.Love Yourself
 Accept , appreciate and keep being yourself. Sometimes when you lose yourself and forget there are many beautiful parts of yourself to love. You doubt that you are even remotely attractive, and the feelings are worst when you start to overthink and doubt your boyfriend

3.Do the things that makes you Passionate , Happy and Fulfilled.
For me it would be lighting my whole room with candles, playing my favourite albums on my Ipad which is normally Daisy(korean music for the highly acclaimed old korean movie) , choose any books that I had stocked up on my shelves but never got the chance to read them all in one go,

You are all set to settle down on your bed, and the reading begins.

When someone asks me to put down my book for a second so they can talk to me:


Yes, indulge in chocolate snacking as you read. If you have the free time, google easy chocolate receipes and make your own signature chocolates.

The Pizza Galore 
If you are single, this is how you love yourself by enjoying time alone with the pizza

                 Pizza & Lover            

If you are like the 5% lucky ones, you can love yourself, let your lover love you and you love him in turn.
Yeah, it's nice having someone but in order for this to happen, LOVE YOURSELF FIRST!

Movie Marathon

4. Boost your morning!
I would wake up every morning listening to my favourite playlist on my Ipad, get ready for my dancing exercises or sometimes strength training. Then have a good breakfast.

My Lonely self wants a guy because.......

But to all the single ladies, its not because you aren't pretty, or fit the majority ideal type for most guys, that you are single. It's just that there is anyone that could fit your awesome hotness classy level.

Yes your life doesn't stop for any guy.In fact guys prefer you to have your own life, own friends,and to show them how unique you are as an individual.It gives them more reasons to love you.To cherish you for who you are not for the things you are not.

5. Write about your life
I would blog about it, write about my inner thoughts in my journal and i would sometimes use photography as a means of expressing myself, how i feel and to give myself more meaning inn life. Sometimes we need to take it easy.Look back at our past selves, immerse yourself with yourself.

6. Date yourself for a day.


7. Self-improvements
Why not learn a language or two. Why not learn to harness the inner artist ,singer ,dancer,guitarist,pianist,and writer within yourself? Why not learn self-defense ? Why work and use that money to travel more either on your own or with yourself.

Both these photos are by

8. Make yourself a hopeless romantic.

I love being philosophical, and I want to get into a relationship whereby I could do all the things I imagined that had happened in fictional books and movies.It may sound cliche especially since I am a girl, a woman more precisely, however, I was in love with someone but life happened.Though for that short moment, I was happy, and I felt how wonderful it was to have someone next to you. You could just stare into his eyes, think about the softness of his lips, and tell yourself  "Wow, he is mine and I am his."

  1. Amy: Falling in love is a crazy thing to do. It's kind of like a form of socially acceptable insanity.

In truth my character is exactly like Mary which was played by Rachel Adams. In the movie she said her flaws were being insecure and Tim (the witty not so handsome but intellectually interesting character). 

Some say I shouldn't put my expectations too high on a relationship.
Regardless, you will be in a relationship with yourself as long as you live

9. Immerse yourself in everything.

I aim to be a cultured hipster(again rather cliche, okay let's just say I want to be my better self, a self that have immense knowledge on movies,books,art,philosophy,lifestyle and dining tastebuds of other ethnicity)

Albert Camus

“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.” 


"Shall the world go to hell, or shall I not have my tea? I say let the world go to hell, but I should always have my tea."

10. Forget your ex. Travel more.

You may love him to the depths of the world but if the feeling isn't mutual, MOVE ON. Don't blame yourself for the break up, don't hate yourself for it and never put yourself down just for him. You are special in your own way. There isn't a need to compare or be like other girls he hangs with. Be yourself, thank God for creating you the way you are. 

Travel more, make it your aim to travel, experience new things and see new places. You won't be a hermit and you are proving that you can live the good life single or not.

Amazing Spanish food!

This proves it! There are many things to experience and taste in the world.

The Encouragement. Be Brave.Be Fearless.


I hope you guys learned to love yourself and find someone who will love you.Truly loves past,present and future you.

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